Johnny Smith, the self-proclaimed "pervARTist", explores themes of humor and sexuality in his artwork. He hopes to make viewers laugh, cringe, horny...or better yet, all of the above when they spectate his art! In the peak of the pandemic, he transitioned his interest of digital collage art to design work, where he created the printed mirror series “Private Viewing” as well as opening an online store of clothing and other accessories. The collaboration with Papers + Ink couldn’t be a more perfect fit, and he is super excited to share the fruits of their labor in the new year!
We love the green sticky when life feels so icky...
INSTAGRAM: @thejohnnysmith

He likes to make short films, comedic videos, and digital collages. His digital art blends the themes of surrealism, sex, silliness, and stupidity. Humor is his favorite quality in anything and everything. I love to laugh. I think laugh lines are sexier than any six-pack. Life is hard enough as it is, it’s good to have humor. I think it’s fine for art to take itself seriously, I just personally gravitate to the sillier side of things.